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Semi Permanent Make-Up Treatments  
Wake Up - Don't Make Up

Gold Beautique offer a wide range of Semi Permanent Make-Up Treatments. Whether you prefer something natural or something full on glam! We defo have something for you

What is Semi Permanent Make-Up/SPMU?

Semi-Permanent Make Up can sometimes be referred to as micro-pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing. It is a treatment where by colour pigment is inserted into the dermal layer of the skin to create a desired effect. It can be used to correct natural imbalances or help to create the look of fuller bows, perfect eyeliner or brighten dull lips. Here at Gold Beautique we are also able to neutralize or ‘colour correct’ previously worked on eyebrows that have turned red/orange or grey/blue. We are also able to neutralize/colour correct discolored lips.


Many of us want to wake up and go and not have to spend hours in front of the mirror every day. SMPU has come a long way over the years, the techniques used have changed from solid tattooing to a more realistic look, such as creating individual eyebrow hair strokes (microblading) and blushed ombre lips or brows (machine). Generally a topical anesthetic is used to numb the area. Unlike tattooing, semi-permanent make-up pigment fades over time and repeat treatments will be needed to maintain the treatment. Many factors will determine how long the treatment lasts for.

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Colour Boost 

Colour boost is for those who have had semi permanent make-up treatment within 3-18 months. For those who had have previous work with Gold eautique you will be entitled to this without consultation. For those who have had treatments completed elsewhere, a consultation will need to be completed prior to booking the service with us. This can be booked on the booking page. A top up is not included with colour boost treatments.



Please arrive on time to your appointment. Additional people will not be able to attend the appointment with you. Clients who are late will be subject to cancellation if the remaining time does not allow for the full treatment to be carried out. In some cases a cancellation fee will be required.


All appointments require a non-refundable deposit. Please read the full terms and conditions prior to booking. Please let your therapist know of any concerns prior to your appointment

  • You will need to complete a consultation form and a patch test prior to your appointment.

  • You will also need to familiarise yourself with the appointment instructions and aftercare.

  • You must keep your therapist informed of any changes in your health when you return for repeat treatments.

  • Failure to adhere to the before and aftercare will affect the life of your treatment.

Prior to your appointment:

  • Attend your appointment with your usual make-up routine applied

  • It is important that you avoid any stimulating drinks such as sports/fizzy drinks, caffeine and alcohol 24 hours prior to your treatment

  • Avoid any blood thinning medication such as aspirin 48 hours prior to the treatment

  • Avoid ibuprofen 48 hours prior to your treatment

  • Avoid fish oil and vitamin E prior to the treatment

  • Do not sunbathe or use sunbeds a week prior to your treatment

  • Do not perform any beauty treatments in the area to be treated 48 hours prior to your appointment – this includes, waxing, plucking, tinting and threading

  • Do not use any chemical peels, retinol treatments, glycolic acids or any treatments in the area to be treated at least 4 weeks before your appointment

  • No botox or fillers in the treatment area 4 weeks prior or 6 weeks after the procedure

  • Do not work out or sweat heavily on the day of the procedure (or 2 weeks after)

  • Do not drink alcohol 48 hours prior to your treatment

Beauty Model

Semi-permanent make-up is not recommended for anyone who is or has the following:

  • Under age 18

  • Sick with cold, flu, Covid-19 or sinus/respiratory infection (please reschedule your appointment and stay home to recover)

  • Leave 4 weeks before and after having any vaccination and any treatment

  • Bruising in the treatment area prior to the treatment

  • Skin irritations including: sunburn, rash, eczema, shingles, acne, dermatitis/psoriasis/thin fragile skin near the treated area

  • Recent botox/filler/facial operations/laser/needling treatments/retinol/glycolic acids/chemical peel treatments in the treatment area within 4 weeks

  • Used Accutane in the past year

  • Heart/respiratory conditions

  • Has diabetes/epilepsy/fits/seizures/haemophilia/low/high blood pressure/cancer

  • Undergoing chemo or finished chemo in the last 12 months

  • Pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Had an organ transplant

  • Viral infections and or diseases- HIV/Hepatitis/cold sores/herpes

  • Prone to keloid scarring

  • Any moles, warts or skin tags in the treatment area

  • Prone to dizziness or fainting

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Open air vehicles

If there any other relevant medical conditions that you wish to seek clarity on, that you think could affect a treatment, please contact us.

Failure to follow the above advice may lead to infection or your treatment not lasting as it is intended to. 

If you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact your therapist.

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The aftercare process usually lasts approximately 14 days and the healing process is expected to last 4-6 weeks. Please read the full article to know how to care for your new Semi-Permanent Make Up. You will be given specific aftercare for your skin type at your appointment. The below instructions are generalised aftercare instructions.


For 24 hours after the treatment, blot the area dry to absorb any excess lymph fluid. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly prior to touching the treated area and use clean cotton pad or tissue.


Days 1 – 7

Gently wash the area each morning and evening with water and an antibacterial soap.

Use your clean fingertips to gently cleanse the treated area by rubbing the area in a smooth circular motion for 10 to 15 seconds, rinse with luke warm water. Ensure the area is left clean and dry. Dry the area by gently patting the treated area with a clean tissue or cotton pad, ensure the treated area is fully dry. If your therapist has advised you to use aftercare ointment, apply a very small amount over the treated area with a clean fingertip or cotton bud. The area should not be saturated with aftercare ointment. Do not apply the aftercare ointment more than twice a day. If you have oily skin use a minimal amount or no aftercare ointment. Your treated area will be sensitive and possibly swollen. The treated area will look darker soon after the treatment but will lighten over the healing process, when the full results will be seen. Over the coming days the area will start to scab and flake, be sure not to pick or scratch these scabs. Please note that the full colour results will be known once the healing process is completed. 


Days 8 – 14

The aftercare ointment no longer needs to be applied unless the area is very dry. Continue to gently wash the area each morning and night. After day 14 you may go back to your usual skin routine but please bear in mind the following:


Important Reminders

  • Avoid unnecessarily touching the treated area

  • Use a clean fresh pillowcase

  • Avoid sleeping on the treatment area for 7 days

  • Avoid make up/additional products/sunscreen/moisturiser on the treated area

  • Keep hair away from the area

  • Do not pick/scratch/itch/rub the scab/treated area. This can cause loss of pigment or scarring

  • Avoid excessive sweating for one week post treatment

  • Avoid hot showers/baths for the first 7 days

  • Avoid excessive water for 7 days – no swimming/hot tubs/steam room/saunas

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 to 6 weeks after procedure

  • No facials/botox/filler/chemical treatments/microdermabrasion for 4 to 6 weeks

  • Avoid heavy cleaning or environments where airborne debris is prevalent as it can increase the risk of infection.

  • Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol as it can slow the healing process

Aftercare for eyeliner

The eyes are a sensitive area to treat. You may want to purchase a reusable gel eye mask that you can pop in the fridge to soothe the eyes when at home. Ensure it is a mask you can wash, keep clean and keep it in a sterile bag while not in use to avoid cross contamination.


Aftercare for lips

The aftercare is very similar for usual SPMU treatments, however for lip treatments you will need to abide by the above but take into a few considerations stated below.

The area may feel swollen, dry, tight and tender to the touch. The colour will appear brighter in colour and this will reduce over the following week.

Avoid kissing or any form of friction in the area. Avoid spicy, oily and heavily seasoned food and where possible and drink with a straw. Before and after eating food be sure to gently wash the area and pat dry with a clean tissue. Once you have finished eating/drinking, re-apply the aftercare ointment. The same peeling/flaking process will happen as with the eyebrow aftercare, be sure to let the natural healing process take place and do not pick or scratch the area. You will need to regularly apply the aftercare ointment provided by your therapist to keep them moist.



Important Notice

Failure to follow the above advice may lead to infection or poor healing of your treatment

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your therapist

If you think your new treatment could be infected, we suggest you visit your GP or nearest medical centre. Symptoms to look out for include feeling unwell, fever (increased temperature), continued redness or swelling at the treated site for longer than 48 hours, any discharge from the area that is discoloured or has a foul smell. You may need treatment to ensure any signs of infection improve. It is sensible to also advise your therapist if the above does happen.

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